Monday 11 July 2016


Hello, and welcome to my blog.

My name is Lucy and seeing as I am seen to be 'obsessed' with musical theatre, I thought I would start up a blog around it.
so, how did this *obsession* start?..

basically, when i was only nine years old i heard the song 'for good' from 'Wicked' the Musical for the first time and i fell totally and completely in love with it, i loved the lyrics, the orchestration, and Idina Menzel and Kristin Chenoweth helped too ;). Just from hearing this song i was adamant to find out everything i possibly could about the musical and i LOVED it. Being a nine year old girl from a small town in South Wales, it was quite hard to get my family to actually take me to London and so i had to wait a whole six years until i actually got to see Wicked in London. But before then, i did go on a school visit to see Matilda and Billy Elliot, I dont remember much about Matilda, we were late to the show so i missed the beginning, and i was so ridiculously excited for Billy Elliot that it was all i could think of.
As soon as the first act of Billy was over i knew that it would be, and still is today, my favourite musical. I love everything about it, its inspiring, uplifting, relevant, and you literally laugh through your tears!! so far i have seen the musical three times and am due to see it again on thursday (review to come!).
Although by the time Billy had finished i knew it was my favourite musical, even though it was only the second musical i had ever seen, i was still longing to see Wicked, it didnt help that the theatre was right opposite Billy, and so, my mam finally took me to see it, and it was everything i had ever expected and more! and it is safe to say i was so overwhelmed that i cried from start to finish!
Since then i have become quite a theatre nerd, in total i have seen:
  • Wicked (x3)
  • Les Miserables (x2)
  • Billy Elliot (x3, x4 on thursday ;))
  • Once
  • The Commitments
  • Memphis
  • Matilda
  • Rent (x2)
  • The Sound Of Music
  • Joseph and the Technicolour Dreamcoat
  • We Will Rock You
  • The Lion King
  • Three Phantoms
  • The Woman in Black
  • The War of the Worlds
and i have another five shows to see this year, these are:
  • Chicago
  • Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
  • Little Shop of Horrors
  • Mary Poppins
  • The Commitments
and i cannot wait!

so there you have it, just a little bit about how i got into obsessing over musical theatre! i will upload my next post at the end of the week which will be a review of Billy Elliot!

I hope this little intro was enough to make you interested in my blog and for those of you who read this far and are gonna stick with me on my shaky internet legs, I am very excited to go on this wonderfully musical adventure with you guys!

See you soon,

Lucy x

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